Mayan Influenced Laser Etching

April 2, 2016


4th semester this just about done and I’m ready for summer. I can already tell it’s going to be a quick one though considering all the stuff I’d like to do throughout the break! Learned so many awesome techniques and found lots of great resources this semester. I can’t believe I’ve almost finished 2 years of college. Here’s a shot of some laser etching that I’ve recently been playing with. I decided to put one of my Mayan influenced designs on a piece of Red Ironwood(?) pulled from the bottom of the Mexican Gulf that my father and I brought back to Canada. It’s a whole other experience for me being able to design like this, so much more satisfying then viewing your stuff on screen or print! I’d really love to learn how to work using this process and how to incorporate it into future projects.

Want to see more of my process and how I came to this solution? Let’s talk!

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