“It’s Canada Parks Day! Our tax system makes so many things possible. Which park is your favourite?”@canrevagency
I was hired on contract in the Creative Services department of the CRA’s Public Affairs Branch as an Information Officer. This allowed me to created public-facing print documents, promotional posts for social media and high profile collateral materials. These are various social media posts which I created and helped conceptualize. Posts which are relevant to the present day’s commemorative theme(such as International Chocolate Day) go out daily to help inform taxpayers. I have removed the supplied in the posts.
“Oh fudge! Did you make a mistake on your tax return? Fix it quickly and easily online with REFILE! Once it’s done, “treat yo’ self” to a piece of chocolate, it is International Chocolate Day, after all.” @canrevagency
“It’s Bad Poetry Day! Did you just get married? Check out our best prose. ✒😜”@canrevagency
“Happy International Left handers Day! Did you smudge your tax return? Don’t worry, you can go online and use change my return!”@canrevagency
“It’s Love A Tree Day! Help save a tree by signing up for direct deposit! Less paper, faster payments.”@canrevagency
“Are you a self-employed photographer? Check here to determine which expenses are tax deductible so you can stay focused on the big picture.”@canrevagency
“Happy Video Games Day! If you get a call from someone claiming to be the Canada Revenue Agency, asking you to pay your taxes with Bitcoin, hit pause – that’s a scam! Power up by learning how to prevent fraud.”@canrevagency